Come along and find out about Omnibus

Posted in: Meetings, Social Events

27699 OMNIBUS Staff Event. Staff association event in the Claverton Rooms. Wine tasting and nibbles. Client: Fran Saunders - BUCS


Omnibus Staff Event

University of Bath Staff Association

Thursday 20th October 2016

12.30 – 13.30 in 1 WN 2.4

The Omnibus Committee cordially invites any member of staff to join other Omnibus members to find out about the range of activities offered by Omnibus to its members. Search this blog for more information.

If you intend to attend this event please email: putting “Accept New Staff Event” in the subject line.

As well as the Omnibus Committee there will be a variety of stall holders promoting activities including Pentaque, Badminton and the Wine Society, you will have the opportunity to find out more about these activities whilst enjoying a light buffet.

If you are interested in starting up an interest group within the University we are very keen to support these.

We look forward to seeing you there.

How to join Omnibus

Posted in: Meetings, Social Events


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