DDAR Staff Spotlight: Karen Sheppard, Database Manager

Posted in: Advancement Office

The Department of Development & Alumni Relations help our graduates to stay connected with the University of Bath and each other. We also fundraise for a wide range of causes at the University, including scholarships, research and student experience.

Karen, Database Manager, shares memories of 20 years of DDAR, why community makes the difference, and the teacher who got her into reading...

How long have you worked at the Uni? What does your role involve?
Well, I've worked at the Uni since 2000, so it's going to be 22 years in June – which is a long time! I started off as a part-time Database Assistant and became Database Officer and then Database Manager. I'm responsible for ensuring the information on our database is comprehensive, accurate and able to support the activities for DDAR and the wider University.

Name one thing that makes you feel proud to work in the University of Bath’s Development & Alumni Relations team?
My colleagues, who are all great. I feel like there’s a real a sense of community. Everybody supports each other; everyone's there for each other; and if you have any problems there's always someone you can talk to who’ll help you.

What would you most like to achieve while at the University?
I'd like to know that I've made a difference. I'd like to hope that our database is probably one of the best in the sector because of all the hard work that the data team and I have put in.

Who was your most influential teacher, or educator and why?
My English teacher when I was at secondary school; he was just great. He got me into reading books, which revolutionised my life at that time. Of Mice and Men, Hobson’s Choice, Lord of the Flies (which I absolutely loved) – those are the ones that were on the curriculum, and then I branched out on my own.

What piece of advice would you like to give to a student?
Enjoy yourself, because it will be the best experience of your life.

When are you happiest?
Whenever I’m with my dog Harvey, out walking or doing agility with him. Or when I’m running – but the dog doesn’t like to join me for that; he just likes to go off sniffing things! I’m a member of a running club, where I volunteer and do leadership coaching.

Which one superpower would you like to possess?
To be able to run really fast and for Harvey to be really good at agility, so I win everything!

Posted in: Advancement Office

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