Advancement Office Staff Spotlight: Jade Bryce, Alumni Engagement Officer

Posted in: Advancement Office

How long have you worked at the University? What does your role involve?

I recently celebrated my one year anniversary at the University!

As the Alumni Engagement Officer in the Advancement Office, my role is to help ensure over 150,000 alumni feel connected to the University of Bath and remain engaged with us long after graduation.

This might be through supporting reunion events, helping alumni set up international and local chapters and networks, creating mentoring and volunteering opportunities or simply providing outstanding customer service through our Advancement Office inbox when alumni reach out for assistance.

Name one thing makes you feel proud to work at the University of Bath?

The brilliance and generosity of our incredible alumni community.


Our alumni have not only gone on to have outstanding careers and continue to be ambassadors for the University, but are also willing to give up their time to support University-wide events that provide guidance and career support to current students and recent graduates.

What would you most like to achieve while at the University?

Along with the Alumni Engagement Manager, we're working to develop a volunteering programme providing alumni with a range of ways in which they can support University-wide initiatives for the benefit of current students and young alumni.

We're also working to reinvigorate and grow our international chapters so there is a strong network of University of Bath ambassadors around the world for the benefit of both the alumni community and the University.

Who was your most influential teacher or educator and why?

My English teacher. He taught me to think creatively, to work hard but never to lose a sense of humour!

What piece of advice would you like to give to a student?

Work hard to do your best academically, but also get out there and enjoy everything Bath and university life has to offer!

If possible, work abroad at some point in your early career; my 12 years in Asia and Australia were so rewarding both personally and professionally.

When are you happiest?

Relaxing on a gorgeous beach in the sun with my family and friends drinking a strong cappuccino and eating a freshly baked pain au chocolat!

If you could meet anyone in the world, dead or alive, who would it be and why?

Michele Obama. What an inspirational eloquent powerhouse of a person who, amongst many other attributes and achievements, continues to champion the education of girls and women.

Posted in: Advancement Office

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