Across the 2016-2017 academic year, we have funded 10 small-scale public engagement projects. Read on for links to blogs capturing the progress of these projects. With thanks to Marina Vissaridis for writing the project blogs.
Aimed at supporting those researchers new to, or with little experience of, public engagement, the Public Engagement Unit's seed fund call in autumn 2016 saw 10 public engagement projects funded, a total grant of just under £5000. Grants were awarded to researchers from across the faculties and the School of Management.
The projects span from more traditional public engagement forms - e.g. dialogue events, citizen science and outreach activities - to the more innovative and creative - e.g. eliciting research data through making puppets and making pizza!
You can read short blogs about each of the funded projects here:
Not so wild about seagulls in cities (Caroline Hickman (Social & Policy Sciences))
GameTale 2017 (Daniela De Angeli (Computer Science))
Threshold concepts, social justice & the use of multi-platform storytelling (Dr Matthew Alford (Politics, Languages & International Studies)
Reducing animal use in cancer research (Bailu Xie, Faye Monk, Dr Paul De Bank (Pharmacy & Pharmacology))
Antibiotic resistance: Public engagement & risk assessment (Dr Susanne Gebhard (Biology & Biochemistry)
The human library (Meike Scheller & Tayfyn Essenkaya (Psychology), Daniel Finnegan (Computer Science))
Using food to illuminate the tensions experienced within a community enterprise (Sarah Bloomfield, School of Management)
How animals find medicine in nature: A citizen science display (Dr Nick Priest, Biology & Biochemistry)
Plankton: What lives in a drop of water? (Russell Arnott, Architecture & Civil Engineering)
A tiny solution to a big problem? Public acceptance of using yeast and microalgae to make deforestation-free consumer products (Dr Sophie Parsons, Mechanical Engineering)