Initiator fund
Small-scale public engagement projects reach conclusion
Across the 2016-2017 academic year, we have funded 10 small-scale public engagement projects. Read on for links to blogs capturing the progress of these projects. With thanks to Marina Vissaridis for writing the project blogs. Aimed at supporting those researchers...
A tiny solution to a big problem? Public acceptance of using yeast and microalgae to make deforestation-free consumer products
Dr Sophie Parsons (Mechanical Engineering) was awarded £500 to run a dialogue event on microbial biotechnology. Sophie used her grant to hold an event at the Watershed in Bristol on 15th June 2017. The event was about microbial biotechnology, in...
Using food to illuminate the tensions experienced within a community enterprise
Sarah Bloomfield (School of Management) was awarded £500 to trial a creative research method technique - a pizza-making workshop designed to elicit participants' reflections on a ‘community’ village shop versus a ‘commercial’ village shop. Sarah’s research is looking at ‘hybrid...
Plankton: What lives in a drop of water?
Russell Arnott (Architecture & Civil Engineering) was awarded £461.48 to develop school-based public engagement activities and to support members of the Water, Environment & Infrastructure Resilience (WEIR) centre to develop their public engagement skills. Russell is a postgraduate researcher in...
How animals find medicine in nature: A citizen science display
Dr Nick Priest (Biology & Biochemistry) was awarded £500 to design and deliver a citizen science display that enabled members of the public to collect data from experiments. Nick’s public engagement project aims to raise appreciation for evolution by having...
The human library
Daniel Finnegan (Computer Science), Tayfun Essenkaya (Psychology) & Meike Scheller (Psychology) were awarded £500 to pilot a Human Library initiative in Bath, a framework for conversations that challenge stereotypes and prejudices through dialogue. This project initially aimed to raise awareness...
Threshold concepts, social justice and the use of multi-platform storytelling
Dr Matthew Alford (Politics, Languages & International Studies) was awarded £500 to develop his experience of performance techniques as a means of public engagement. Matt is trying to connect three practical areas in his project: storytelling, teaching, and public engagement....
Antibiotic resistance: Public engagement and risk assessment
Professor Ed Feil and Dr Susanne Gebhard (Biology & Biochemistry) was awarded £500 to develop and deliver public engagement activities that examined the extent to which the public are receptive to the extensive media coverage of antibiotic resistance, identifying the...