Welcome to the New Academic Year

Posted in: engagement, mental health and wellbeing, postgraduates, security, student voice, students' union, support

As a lively buzz begins to return to campus, I wanted to take a moment to wish you all a warm welcome to the 2023-24 academic year.

There’s something about this time of year - it always feels like a fresh start, an opportunity to embrace change or a new chapter, to focus on new goals. As Welcome Week and the start of the teaching semester approaches, I hope you’re feeling the same enthusiasm and optimism as I am.

Whether you’re joining us as a new student or member of staff, heading off to begin a placement or year abroad, or returning for a new year of study, you’re joining or reconnecting with a university community that I feel really lucky to be a part of.

Julian (PVC Education) and I will be on campus this weekend introducing the University Life talks to welcome new students. I continue to be blown away by the organisation and commitment of the many teams involved in delivering an action-packed week, which seems to only increase in scale and complexity each year. I’ll be getting involved across the week and look forward to spotlighting in my next blog some of the fantastic activities and initiatives taking place across the University, from the SU Freshers’ Week events to Postgraduate Student Mentoring.

I was also keen to share with you all some particular areas of focus for me as we head into the new academic year. Members of the University Executive Board are again collaborating with the SU in responding to this year’s Top 10, so I’m looking forward to working together on the issues which matter most to our students, as well as further developing our work on Employability and Student Voice, and building on the momentum of last year’s ‘Be Well at Bath’ launch and our ongoing review of the Postgraduate Taught Experience.

All of this, alongside many other exciting initiatives, and an important year for the roll-out of our new courses following considerable hard work on Curriculum Transformation – it’s certainly not going to be a quiet one!

Most of all though, I’m looking forward to meeting and getting to know more of you - here’s to an exciting and successful year ahead for everyone in our community.

Posted in: engagement, mental health and wellbeing, postgraduates, security, student voice, students' union, support

Welcome Week Information for Staff (Including Links to Student Welcome Week Pages)


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