Janet Withall
Janet Withall22nd June 2020
Week 6 Keeping your bones healthy during lockdown
As we get older, maintaining bone health becomes a top priority. Having healthy bones reduces our risk for osteoporosis and also helps us to stay active because bones provide a structure for our muscles and tendons. Having healthy bones also...
Janet Withall4th June 2020
Week 5 Is it getting to easier? Then you’re getting fitter!
Hello and welcome back to the REACT blog. If you have been following the exercise routine described in the first few weeks of the blog you should be starting to see some improvements in your fitness and strength by now....
Janet Withall21st May 2020
Week 4: Let’s talk about food: busting myths about COVID-19 and nutrition
Welcome back! We hope you are well, safe, and continuing to fit exercising into your daily routine. This week’s blog focuses on food. In particular, we want to bust some of the myths and misinformation you might be seeing about...
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Janet Withall6th May 2020
Week 3: How much are you sitting?
Hello! We hope you have had a good week and have managed to get into a routine of daily exercise at home. You should now have a set of exercises from the blog that will help you improve your strength,...
Janet Withall24th April 2020
Week 2: Let’s keep moving
Welcome back! We hope you have had a good week and have managed to start fitting some home exercising into your daily routine. The exercises described in Week 1 focused on your lower body strength and improving balance. In week...
Janet Withall15th April 2020
Week 1: Let’s get moving
Before starting any exercise, it's really important that everyone stays safe. If you haven’t done much physical activity for a while, begin at a low intensity to make sure you don’t injure or overly tire yourself. If you don’t feel...
Janet Withall8th April 2020
Adjusting to new realities
Hello and welcome to this new blog from the REtirement in ACTion (REACT) study team https://www.thereactstudy.com/. Our research is all about older people and physical activity, and we want to use this blog as a space to provide regular practical...