And the winner of the SAMBa blog of the year prize is...
The blogs of 2017 were judged by the Faculty of Science Marketing and Comms Team. You can see their comments on each blog below. Dan wins a £50 amazon voucher. So congratulations to him!
2018 Blogs are off to a great start with the introduction the 3 SAMBa Blog Reps, Allen Hart (Cohort 4), Ben Robinson (Cohort 2), Tom Pennington (Cohort 2) who have already provided us with two humourous exclusive interviews introducing Cohort 4 and a third to follow next week where you can find out more about Allen, Shaunagh and Will and their preferences on Hamsters/Rhinos!
Comments from the judging panel (Meghan and Simone)
They are pretty good blogs on the whole. It's hard to pick between them but we agreed on Dan as our favourite, closely followed by Hayley and Owen.
Daniel NG - Jyväskylä Summer School 2017 : Felt this gave me a really good window into insight of live temporarily in another country. I liked the human touch with day to day observations of life in Finland (from the drying up rack to the blueberry pies), learning Finnish and how lectures with a blind woman got him thinking differently about his own way of explaining maths.
Gianluca Detommaso - Paradigm of Life : Full of energy and enthusiasm for life - this really comes across as his passionate blog is a reflection of the great experience he is having. Would have liked to have heard more about what it was like being at the Turing Institute as that is quite exciting.
Camzabeth - Sequential Logarithmic Spoons (SLS) : Good humour (although some a bit lost on a non-mathematician) and word play. Definitely gave me a real sense of the great environment for students that the SLC provides, and what they get out of these meetings.
Hayley Wragg - Budd Brigade with Industry : Really good overview of study group weeks and what they are like and the two country angle helped to really flesh that out and build on the insights. Like the quirky reference and photo with the SAMBa Keep Cup, and how the staff and student relationship really shone through as a partnership approach on this trip
Owen Pembery - Yeah! It's a conference in the USA! : Really liked the explanation of his research in a way that I could understand, with references to real life examples (opera top notes etc). The combination of academic narrative with the experience of the conference felt like a really good balance as I gained real insight to what he got out of it academically but also the interesting social side of it, and rounded out with some interesting architectural observations.