Everyone, everywhere can inspire inclusion

Posted in: Employee Wellbeing, Mental Health

The theme for International Women’s Day (IWD) 2024 is #InspireInclusion.

Research from the Chartered Institute for Personnel Development (CIPD) shows that women aged 45-55 are one of the fastest growing demographics of the workforce. It is expected this trend is likely to continue as the UK population gets older.

This demographic has a wealth of talent, knowledge, expertise and experience. They are also likely to be moving towards, or already experiencing, perimenopause or menopausal symptoms.

Menopause impacts everyone differently, therefore a variety of support is beneficial to ensure individuals feel included, valued, welcomed, respected, represented and heard. We're making great progress with this at the University through our Menopause Matters Group as can be seen from this feedback:

'I have felt supported and listened to, the network provides a safe place (non judgemental) with open dialogue, providing value in learning from others and being able to give back, too.'

Menopause Champion volunteers are another way the University is actively including staff in the ongoing development of support and guidance on the menopause. Please do get in touch at employeewellbeing@bath.ac.uk if you are interested in being a champion. There are a few places left on the initial training which will take place on campus on Wednesday 20 March.

If you are in a people management/leadership role, you may value some support in gaining the knowledge, skills and confidence to engage in meaningful conversations and identify appropriate support and signposting. If so, please do book on one of the workshops or webinars available:

Attending these sessions will also help you gain an understanding of the new guidance document on menopause in the workplace, setting out employers' legal obligations under the Equality Act 2010, Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC).

There are also lots of other IWD activities and events to get involved with. Take a look at International Women's Day 2024 (bath.ac.uk)

Posted in: Employee Wellbeing, Mental Health


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