The Sound of Silence

Posted in: From the lab

Logo of EC SITAR project
The European SITAR project used sound to detect toxic buried waste at sea. Logo drawn by Peter Dobbins.

Sound is the most useful tool to investigate the world's oceans; it is also used in medical physics, for example for ultrasound scanners. The image above is a nice picture drawn by my colleague and friend Peter Dobbins when he was working with us on the SITAR project, a European collaboration to detect toxic waste buried under the seabed and how risky it was.

But sound is much more than just a tool. It also holds beauty and variety. I was recently invited to write a review for “Sonic Wonderland: a Scientific Odyssey of Sound”, by Trevor Cox. This was a beautiful book, and it invites us to celebrate the richness of sounds all over the world, from home to far away, sometimes below our feet or high up in mountains. More details about the book are available in my review, published by Physics World in its December 2014 issue . This book is a must-read, written by one of the true experts ... And a good gift for the coming festive season too ...

Posted in: From the lab


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