Philippe Blondel
I am a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Physics at the University of Bath (UK). I have worked here since 1999, starting as a postdoctoral researcher. Before that, I worked as Senior Scientific Office at the Southampton Oceanography Centre (earlier at the Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, Deacon Laboratory) and even before that, as a postdoctoral researcher at the School of Oceanography, University of Washington. I have a PhD in Physics (Remote Sensing) from Paris-Jussieu, working on radar imagery from Venus, and a pure Physics background from the Universities of Paris-Orsay and Rouen Haute-Normandie (France). I am also a Chartered Geologist, a Fellow of the Geological Society of London, and a Fellow of the Institute of Acoustics.
Philippe BlondelJanuary 5, 2018
Killer asteroids or "just passing by"?
“Doom!” always makes good headlines, and some British tabloids fretted about the recent passage of an asteroid close to Earth on January 2nd, and the fact it was only detected 6 days before. But what are the actual risks? How...
Philippe BlondelOctober 4, 2016
Acoustics - From the deep sea to outer space
"In space, no one can hear you scream" ,,, This was the motto from the first Alien movie and it has been used and abused in the decades since. I lost track of the number of times I have worked on...
Philippe BlondelApril 14, 2016
Finding Nessie … or close enough …
The Loch Ness monster is one of the most famous mythical beasts, supposedly lurking below the cold waters of Loch Ness in Scotland. But there has been no conclusive proof of its existence yet, despite many people searching for it...
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Philippe BlondelJanuary 27, 2015
Newborn icebergs - A fresh start to 2015
Having fun in the field is one thing. But to have impact, and be really useful, this research also needs to be published. This is where the hard work continues. Led by Oskar Glowacki, a young and promising glaciologist from...
Philippe BlondelDecember 4, 2014
The Sound of Silence
Sound is the most useful tool to investigate the world's oceans; it is also used in medical physics, for example for ultrasound scanners. The image above is a nice picture drawn by my colleague and friend Peter Dobbins when he...
Philippe BlondelAugust 1, 2014
30 July 2014 - Return to the Glacier
Today, we have done most of our work and we even took a short break. For two hours, we went for a walk at the foot of the 500-metre high mountain overlooking the base. The main purpose was still scientific,...
Philippe BlondelJuly 29, 2014
28 July 2014 - The bright side of life
Polish TV recently showed the farewell concert of Monty Python and "The bright side of life" (my Polish is still extremely limited, but I could understand that much ...) (especially the English part ...) For the last 24 hours, the...
Philippe BlondelJuly 28, 2014
27 July 2014 - Ships passing in the night ...
The small icebergs brought to the shore have fallen silent with the evening. The sun is currently hidden behind the 500-metre mountain just behind the base, and the beach is in shadows. What suddenly made these icebergs silent? Curious, of...
Philippe BlondelJuly 26, 2014
26 July 2014 – No birds, please …
After the last days, we have plenty of field data to analyse and more experiments to run and test different theories. Is the noise coming from the bubbles? From the cracking? What influences how loud it is? Is it the...
Philippe BlondelJuly 26, 2014
25 July 2014 – Fifty shades of blue
We do not do as much field work as I expected at the beginning, because of the weather and because we need to do laboratory experiments to check different theories. But today I am happy: the weather is cooperating, and we...