Who knew that after a slow (ish) start back in January quite how mental February would be! Hectic does not even begin to describe the past month!
With data collection for trial one of our research study underway, the majority of our month has consisted of: getting into work early, leaving late and having to do all of our data analysis on top of our usual tasks. Some may call this ‘the real world’, we have called this ‘reasons not to become full time researchers’. And NEVER did I think that 7am would actually be a lie in…
All jokes aside, trial one of our research has been a definite eye opener! We are working on all sorts of things for this study to run as smoothly as possible and so far (we hope) there haven’t been too many issues, but that is not just by luck!!
We are having to become more competent with the software to get good scans for data analysis, having to be organised with our own time (as well as everyone else’s), being sure to schedule everybody in and ensuring to send out reminders. We have had to source all of the equipment we need and make sure there is time and/or a room for the free to use. It’s taken a lot of organising but the experience so far has been enjoyable!
With all of our data collection for trial one complete, March brings about data collection for trial two so (I guess?), more of the same. Excited? Yes. Developing some form of caffeine dependence? Also yes.
With a very busy February our travels have been a little more restricted! However we cannot resist an afternoon out, even if we do have to stay in our own city for once!!
With glorious clear blue skies we decided to take the opportunity to visit the Euromast. This landmark is across the other side of town, closer to the the city centre and gives the ultimate view of the city from 200meters up! Definitely a great place for us to clear our thoughts and re-organise following a crazy few weeks! Just the view made us realise (again) how lucky we are to be spending a year in this incredible city and the brunch wasn't half bad either!

And just like that February is over…
Kate and Liv