In today’s day and age, we know more about ballistic missiles and war, than we know about peace.

People often decide at a very young age what they want to pursue as their dream career. However, the study of governments of different countries and world politics grabbed my fancy when I was in high school. While my teachers take all the due credit for sparking my fascination for the subject, extensive reading of periodicals, books and articles, made me aware of what was happing in and outside India.

This was when I knew that Politics and International Relations was just the course for me. As a prospective student of history, I have a keen interest in studying the social and political backgrounds of the places spread across this vast globe.

My family background played a dominant role in my ambition. I have grown up in a family of progressive lawyers. My grandpa is a very well known and respected Supreme Court lawyer. He has given me a sense of wisdom, leadership, judgment and foresight. He has made me aware of the sufferings of the world while showing many the path of justice.

My interest further gained prominence when I started doing Model United Nations sessions in high school. They truly formed the backbone of my fondness for this course. It was through them, that I got exposure to public debating and research on critical global and political issues. They helped me analyse the situation, and then present my own view on it.

I also helped women at ‘Ojasvini’ NGO. I have done many workshops with them and delivered lectures on self-reliance. I took up the issue of sanitation at the NGO, through creative workshops and presentations; we achieved the goal of cleaning our surroundings. I also shed some light on the issue of dyslexia and helped dyslexic kids. The people at the NGO showed me a new face of humanity, and I was touched by their warmth and respect for me.

What attracts me more to this course is the fact that we live in a transient world. Nothing in today’s world is really limited or has boundaries. It results in every international event having an effect on all aspects of people’s lives.

Lots of flags on flag poles outside of the United Nations building
Photo by Mathias P.R. Reding on Unsplash

It is exciting to examine the interactions and changes that take place in the world order and to study the systems, institutions, processes and policies that bring about these changes. The degree in itself is very dynamic and opens up various career options. You can choose from various options such as journalism, law, diplomacy, social service and a wide range of HR jobs at big business firms.

My main motivations for studying Politics and International Relations are to be able to represent my country effectively in the international political system and also contribute to humanity by participating in activities that promote peace, preservation of life and development.

The UK is one of the leading pioneers of liberal arts currently in the world. The fact that the Indian constitution takes its essence from British humanistic values, made the UK a preferable destination for me. An education in the UK would not only give me a world-class education, but also immense experience and exposure in my areas of interest, superlative peer groups at the university, as well as a recognised faculty with a distinct advantage.

The pedagogy followed in the UK will prepare me for the challenges of my career while giving me exposure to the demands of the global world. The UK being a developed nation has a lot to offer to prospective students. Apart from that, Bath has constantly retained its position in the top 10 for this course.

I aspire to represent my country on international platforms, and my degree at Bath is the first step toward this.

Posted in: Choosing a course, Department of Social & Policy Sciences, Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences, First year, International students, Why Bath?


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