Department of POLIS
A Day in My Life - Studying Abroad in China
Hi! I'm Rebecca and I'm a third year Modern Languages (German and ab initio Mandarin) student at Bath. Here is a short vlog showing a day in my life while studying at Zhejiang University in Hangzhou, China. As part of...
Moving to London for the first time!
Placement Blog Post One – Moving to London! Hello! I’m Adam, a third year Politics and International Relations student. I’m currently undertaking my placement in London, for the Podcasting company Podmasters. I recently moved to London to start my...
One Young World Academy - how Bath students are benefiting from this unique learning opportunity
This summer, twenty students from the University of Bath's Faculty of Humanties & Social Sciences have been given the unique opportunity to undertake courses from the One Young World Academy. This is an innovative learning experience developed by One Young...
All Abroad for ‘The Best Year of Your Life?’
With my permanent departure from France just a matter of weeks away, I have been feeling overly reflective on my Year Abroad. It is widely known that this year is truly an incredible experience; mentioning you'll be embarking on it...
Imposter Syndrome | Finding your Feet on Placement 👣
For those of you who have not read my blog, I am Hannah, a third-year Modern Languages student currently on my Year Abroad. I have just finished my semester at Universidad de Zaragoza in Spain and am due to begin...
Christmas on my Year Abroad in Spain
Hi everyone, and Happy New Year! I’m Hannah, a third year Modern Languages student currently on my Year Abroad in north-eastern Spain, living and studying in Zaragoza. Although I live here, I have been exploring northern Spain throughout the Christmas...
Day in the Life as an Erasmus student in Spain
Hi everyone! I'm Hannah, a third year Modern Languages (French and Spanish) student currently on my Year Abroad in Spain. For this semester I am taking part in the Erasmus Study programme, and next semester I've decided to do a...