Professor Linda Newnes Awarded Vice Chancellor’s Research Medal

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Huge congratulations to Professor Newnes who leads the TREND group, on being awarded the Vice Chancellor’s Research Medal.

The Medal recognises Professor Newnes’ contribution to the field of whole life value analysis – economic, environmental and societal costs and for her leadership within the emerging areas of Transdisciplinary Engineering and People-Led Digitalisation.

In addition to her successful research career, Professor Newnes is also celebrated for the support and inspiration she gives others.  She strives to make work fun - that is what she believes is key! She engages students and staff alike making them feel valued. She leads the selection process for the Aurora programme, organised nationally by Advance HE, which aims to enable more women to develop the leadership side of their careers and so redress the deficit in women at senior levels in the sector. She also played a leading role in the University’s engagement with Athena SWAN and led the first Mechanical Engineering submission, a Charter established in 2005 to encourage and recognise commitment to advancing the careers of women in science, technology, engineering, maths and medicine employment in higher education and research. Her commitment to inclusion is evidenced through the team that supports her and works with her which leads to this success.

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