The following blog post was contributed by Benedek Plosz, Reader in the Department of Chemical Engineering.
Benedek Plosz has just attended the 10th IWA International Conference on Biofilm Reactors 2017 in Dublin, Ireland.
Biofilm processes are key to an increasing number of biochemical usedwater treatment processes. The main objective of this venue, focusing on Biofilm Reactors, is to bring together both practitioners and researchers to exchange new knowledge and to relate more closely practical implementation with basic research. The program was very strong and the organising committees and UCD (University College Dublin) did a great job to ensure the conference met excellent standards. The conference themes comprised Aerobic granular reactor systems, Bio-electrochemical systems, Moving bed biofilm reactors, Membrane aerated biofilm reactors, Nutrient removal, Modeling and control, Microsensing.
Our PhD students held two oral presentations (Torresi et al; Ramin et al.) focusing on modelling the fate of trace organic xenobiotic pollutants and biomarkers in nitrifying as well as aerobic and anaerobic biofilm systems. The studies focused on enhanced biochemical micropollutant removal and on the emerging field of wastewater-based epidemiological engineering.