The following post was contributed by Dr. Ines Meireles (Visiting Senior Lecturer in the Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering) who has joined the University of Bath, from the University of Aveiro, for this academic year (2017/18) as a Visiting Scholar.

Dr. Ines Meireles

I am thrilled to be at the University of Bath as Visiting Scholar for this academic year 2017/2018 and have the opportunity to collaborate with WIRC @ Bath. My research interests are water related, particularly regarding efficiency and sustainability. To this end, I consider either real case studies, experimental work or computational fluid dynamics simulations. Of course, these approaches are related to what I have been doing in the past 12 years, working as a lecturer on Hydraulics at the University of Aveiro. Recently, I started to work together with Dr. Kemi Adeyeye, namely on human behaviour related to different water efficiency approaches, and this academic year I have the privilege to be hosted by her at the University of Bath, where I look forward for the strengthening of our research collaborations.

Introducing myself, I am Portuguese, hold a PhD in Civil Engineering (from the University of Aveiro), a MSc in Hydraulics and Water Resources and a Degree in Civil Engineering, major in Hydraulics and Environment (both from IST, University of Lisbon) and worked for a higher institution (Setubal Polytechnic Institute) and to a private company (Hidroprojecto, S.A. in Lisbon) before moving to Aveiro.

I am an elected member of the board of directors of the Centre Region division of the Portuguese Water Resources Association (APRH), elected member of the fiscal board of the Portuguese Association for the Quality and Efficiency in Building Services (ANQIP), and invited member of the evaluation panel for the Fulbright Commission program in Portugal. Presently, I’m in the technical committee of ANQIP for the revision of the Portuguese standards for water supply and distribution and wastewater drainage (focused on the hydraulic networks inside buildings).

I’ve received the APRH Award, biennial period 2010-2011, for my PhD thesis, received a Fulbright scholarship to perform research at the University of Davis, California, in the framework of my PhD, and I am listed in Marquis Who's Who in the World since 2010.

Posted in: Water awareness and human behaviour, WIRC @ Bath


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