Two members of staff at the University of Bath have recently been awarded Fellowships from NERC.
Dr. Ilaria Prosdocimi from the Department of Mathematical Sciences has been awarded a Industrial Innovation Fellowship with a project titled "Developing Innovative Flood Frequency Estimation for a Resilient nation (DIFFER)". The project aims at developing innovative statistical methods to estimate flood risk across the UK based on existing but under-utilised records, with a special focus on the identification of possible increases in flood frequencies in the recent years. The project will rely on the collaboration with governmental and industry partners.
Dr. Danielle Wain from the Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering has been awarded a Industrial Mobility Fellowship with a project titled "Stirring things up: Do surface mixers in drinking water reservoirs improve water quality?". The project will focus on turbidity in raw water and will be a combined field and modelling project on Durleigh Reservoir with Wessex Water.