Water Active
The COP26 Universities Network
The COP26 Universities Network is a growing group of more than 40 UK-based universities working together to raise ambition for tangible outcomes from the UN COP26 Climate Change Conference, to be held in Glasgow, Scotland in November 2021. The Network will...
Acoustic Imaging of Algae: From the Arctic to a reservoir near you
Research by Dr Philippe Blondel, Senior Lecturer in the Department of Physics is featured in Water Active this month. The article describes why looking at algae and using sonar helps to study how underwater vegetation adapts to climate change, as...
Improving water treatment using chemical oxidants
Dr Jannis Wenk, Lecturer in the Department of Chemical Engineering, explains how research at the Water Innovation and Research Centre at the University of Bath (WIRC @ Bath) is investigating how chemical oxidants can be used to improve water treatment...
Thinking Catchments: moving beyond physical asset management
Research by Chrysoula Papacharalampou, a PhD Research Student in the Sustainable Energy Research Team in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, is featured in both Water Active and the Institute of Water Journal this month. Her research currently being undertaken in collaboration...
Anaerobic Digestion overview in Water Active
Dr Tom Arnot, Senior Lecturer in the Department of Chemical Engineering, and Ian Law, Technical Manager at GENeco, Wessex Water, give an overview of the collaborative work being done in the area of advanced anaerobic digestion in the latest issue...
WISE CDT overview in Water Active
Dr Tom Arnot, a Co-Director, provides an overview of the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in Water Informatics: Science and Engineering (WISE) in the latest issue of Water Active. The Centre is a newly funded and innovative research venture...
WIRC @ Bath overview in Water Active
Professor Jan Hofman, Director of WIRC @ Bath, provides an overview of the Centre and wide range of water research and expertise across the University of Bath in the latest issue of Water Active. Water Active is the UK's leading water...
Can you write for Water Active?
The University’s press team has secured an opportunity for Bath’s water researchers to contribute a monthly article to Water Active. This is a fantastic opportunity for us to share news of the wide variety of water research across all disciplines...
Bath researchers in Water Active magazine
Two of Bath’s researchers have been featured in this month’s edition of Water Active magazine. Dr Davide Mattia and Dr Darrell Patterson, both from our Department of Chemical Engineering, recently secured £1m from the EPSRC to research novel membranes. One...