Women’s Network: Career Growth and Community

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  • Introduction to the University of Bath Coaching service 23 November, 10am

    Determine if the University coaching service is a suitable approach to help you address your career development or a specific work-related challenge. This session will cover both the option of being a coachee as well as understanding more about how...

  • Festive Lunch Invite

    Venue confirmed as Poldens Cafe - first floor lounge

  • Network Chairs’ meeting with the VC

    Earlier this week the Chairs of both women’s networks at the University met with the Vice-Chancellor to share some of the issues raised by our members. The following were the main discussion points: • How to support career progression for...

  • Women's Network: Skill Swap Workshops

    We are delighted to tell you all about the launch of the Skill Swap Workshop Series. The concept behind the series is that everyone in this community has a unique skill. Even if you think it’s insignificant, there's a good...

  • Project Management Skills webinar 27 September

    Ben Miller and Laura Clapp will be presenting a session on project management 11am - 12pm on Wednesday 27 September. This session will be aimed at raising awareness of what project management is and what is happening at the University,...

  • Looking after your voice session

    On 13 September Debbie Chatting of Voice Synergy presented a very useful workshop on how to best utilise your voice, preparing to speak and increase confidence when speaking. Unfortunately due to technical issues we were unable to record the session...

  • Looking after your Voice

    On Wednesday, 13 September we will be welcoming Debbie Chatting of Voice Synegy to present a talk on the importance of looking after your voice. She will be discussing the importance of breath work, posture and projection. This will be...