Quiet but Busy: I'm Still Here!

Posted in: Research Project, Updates

Like many of us working and researching from home, lockdown has been getting me down recently. I've been finding it challenging to stay motivated and encourage myself to get the work done, and balancing life, work, and research has meant I've not had the time or energy to commit to writing my blog.

However, I have an exciting announcement to share next week, so I just wanted to touch base and reassure you and myself that things are going well, even though I may have been quiet. Over the past month, my research project has been progressing in the right direction, there have been exciting events on, like the CDE Virtual ResJam 2020 and a Writing Group I have been helping to organise for the HCI researchers in my department, and I have started a course that is helping me to better manage difficult thoughts and feelings and to enable me to do the things that I value and to enjoy doing them more.

So, in spite of the gloom and doom I might have felt has been there, I've been able to make headway on the study I updated you on a couple of months ago, and I am excited to share my progress with you next week.

For those of you who don't use Twitter regularly, here's a little insight into what 'research from home' has meant for me!

Thank you for reading, and make sure to come back next week to find out what I have in store!

Posted in: Research Project, Updates


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