What a week! It has been one of those times when multiple important events have all come together, all of which need careful attention and equal consideration. Luckily, they all ended up complementing each other quite well and I can end the week feeling accomplished and motivated.
Read on to find out what has happened this week in my EngD project!
CHI 2020 Reviews
About two months ago, I shared that I submitted a paper to CHI along with my supervisors. At the end of last week, the CHI reviews came out and, after letting them sink in over the weekend, my supervisors and I have been busy formulating a response (a "rebuttal") to our reviewers.
The rebuttal is our chance to address any concerns the reviewers had and convince them that our paper offers a good contribution to the HCI community. The deadline is later today (just a week after getting the reviews!) and we have prepared a strong response to submit. I am looking forward to hearing what the reviewers think.
Continuing to Think Ahead
As well as sculpting our rebuttal, I met with my steering group on Wednesday. The main aim was to test an idea for the next study of my project, but we were also able to discuss some really useful practical aspects to help support people to take part in research.
Writing the rebuttal was a good chance to think back at what I did earlier this year, but the steering group helped keep the momentum moving forward to the next study. The input from the steering group members will help us to plan the study more carefully and build on the results of our previous work more effectively.
An Academic Milestone
To top things all off, I had my confirmation viva on Thursday. This is an oral exam in which I defend my transfer report (which I submitted just before I went away) in the same way that I will need to defend my final thesis at the end of my EngD.
I'm pleased to share that I was successful in the exam! That means I can continue as planned with the rest of my research. My examiners offered some interesting suggestions about how to move forward, especially around being more critical about my work, but were also very encouraging; it was useful to get this external perspective on the project.
Feeling Motivated
Although the week could have been quite stressful, both writing the CHI rebuttal and meeting with the steering group helped me to prepare for the viva. Both of these topics were included in my transfer report, and thinking about them earlier in the week allowed me to think clearly about the past, present, and future of my EngD.
I am proud of the work I have completed this week and my motivation is high at this big milestone in my EngD journey. Thank you to my supervisors, examiners, steering group members, and peers and friends for all your input and encouragement this week. Time to keep moving towards the next big milestone!