We now have 55 registered participants, 14 talks and 10 poster submissions. In addition to the contributed talks, there will be a keynote lecture by Prof Martyn Guest (Cardiff) and an invited presentation by Dr Araxi Urrutia (Bath), as well as two talks by external speakers (Jeremy Purches, NVidia and Dr. David Acreman, Exeter/GW4) so we are looking forward to a very interesting and stimulating day.

Times and schedule

Registration will open at 9:00h and the welcome address of Prof. Kevin Edge (Deputy Vice-Chancellor, University of Bath) is scheduled for 9:30h. The meeting will finish at 17:15h with a wine and cheese reception. A detailled schedule is available here:


and a booklet with the full programm can be downloaded here:



The meeting takes place in Room CB2.6 in the Chancellor's Building (note that the venue is different from last year!).

Looking forward to seeing you on Thursday,

The Scientific Organising Committee,

Dr Steven Chapman (Computing Services)
Dr James Grant (Chemistry)
Dr Eike Mueller (Maths)

PS: Don't forget that you can follow us during the meeting and afterwards on Twitter under @BathHPC.

Posted in: Advancing Research Computing, High Performance Computing (HPC), Research


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