Thank you to Professor Martyn Guest from Cardiff University, for his insightful keynote presentation, Application Performance in Materials Science, Chemistry and Nanoscience - Perspective, Performance and Challenges at the University of Bath's third High Performance Computing (HPC) symposium, 5 June 2014.
Balena - it's big and it's clever
Following the news that the University recently awarded funding in excess of £1 million for a resource to replace the aging Aquila system, Prof Kevin Edge, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, revealed that the name of the new successor system will be Balena.
Congratulations to Federico Brivio from the Department of Chemistry who suggested the name in keeping with the tradition of using Italian animal names. Balena translates to "whale". The HPC facility will share several characteristics with the mammal: both are large, intelligent and never fully sleep.
The symposium brought academics from various disciplines at the University of Bath and from partner GW4 universities together to share knowledge and give presentations.
- Congratulations to Adam Jackson from the Department of Chemistry for winning best talk, Earth-abundant photovoltaics "from the beginning".
- Congratulations to Will Saunders from the Department of Mathematical Sciences for his winning presentation, A multi-GPU solver for the non-linear shallow water equations.
Feedback and keeping in touch
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