Just as a way of a gentle reminder, we have ERA coming to visit us this Wednesday at 11:15 in the Council Chamber on Campus.
They’ve offered to come and visit us and do a fact-finding session on the license terms, and a Q&A session on it.
The ERA Licensing Scheme provides us with the means of accessing and using broadcast material both in the classroom and by students at home.
The licence allows us to use material sourced from broadcasts (including accessing catch-up TV and Radio services of the UK public service broadcasters) for teaching resources.
19 August 2015
11:15 to 13:15
Council Chamber Wessex House (Main UoB Campus).
Kathleen Roberts and Victoria Smith attending.
If you have anyone that many be interested – please pass it on to them.
Hope that you will be able to make it.
New license updates are here: http://www.era.org.uk/the-licence/updates ; and terms: http://www.era.org.uk/the-licence/details-rates/terms-licence