Audience Response System (Voting / Clickers)

Posted in: Equipment, Systems

We've been undertaking some development over the last few weeks and months to update the old version of the software for Turningpoint.

The good news is that you should be able to get anyone with a mobile device or laptop to participate in the sessions. You will not need the clickers!

The clickers will still work - but you won't necessarily need them any more.

As an academic member of staff you get a license of 500 concurrent student users at the same time.....

The slight change is that you will need to have a license to use the system attached to your account, but we will be using SSO (your own login at the University) to do it.
To request an account activation, please contact Rob Hyde (AV Manager) or Sacha Goodwin (AV Operations Manager).

You can still use the older version of Turningpoint on Office PCs to create presntations; although it may be better to get your IT Supporter to roll the new version out to your office PC.
The new Version is already on the GTA PCs.

Instructions of how to set up are on the AV Wiki:


Posted in: Equipment, Systems


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