Fountain Canteen’s new value corner is a huge hit

Posted in: Bars and eateries, Students

Hopefully by now you’re all aware of the new ‘value corner’ in Fountain Canteen, which launched last month.

The new area (just to the left as you walk in the main entrance of Fountain Canteen) is home to a super value menu where everything is just £1.

Value corner


You can view a full menu here, but the types of food on offer include…

• Homemade soup
• Beans on toast
• Sausage and mash
• Pasties
• Vegetable pie
• Steak slice
• Cakes
• Doughnuts

Plus different toasties and crumpets that you can toast yourself.

As if all of this wasn’t enough value already, you also get a free tea or coffee with any purchase if you bring your own reusable cup. Bargain!

Value corner


The new corner was introduced to provide a budget food and drink option to students on campus. It’s clearly been popular, as our survey showed that 86% of students rated it as excellent value for money.

Have you tried anything from the new budget menu? We’re always interested to hear feedback, so please do comment below with your thoughts.

Posted in: Bars and eateries, Students


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  • Hi Sarah

    Thanks a lot for share this post!