Thirty seconds with Fin

Posted in: Bars and eateries, Students

From Monday 11 February, the traditional burgers in Parade Bar & Grill are back! We listened to your feedback about the minute steak burgers, and have now updated the menu to use the traditional beef patties instead.

We grabbed thirty seconds with Fin Tucker, a Chef de Partie in Parade Bar & Grill, to grill her on her favourites from the new menu and more...

How long have you worked here for?

I’ve worked in Parade Bar for nearly a year now.

Making burgers

What do you like best about your job?

I like the challenges it gives me, especially around managing my time. I really like meeting new people. Learning how to manage people is interesting too!

Which is your favourite burger and why?

My favourite burger from the new menu is ‘The Whole Hog’, which is a burger with pulled pork, because who doesn’t like pulled pork?!

Burgers ready

Any tips for cooking the perfect burger?

Don’t overcook it! It doesn’t have to be pink in the middle, but it’s important to keep it moist.

What would you recommend to someone from the Parade menu?

I’d probably tell them to try the pulled pork burger with sides of the mac and cheese and savoury rice, which are both really popular.

Posted in: Bars and eateries, Students

See when Parade Bar & Grill is open


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