New university-branded clothing

Posted in: Bars and eateries, Students

As part of our continued efforts to provide more sustainable options across campus, we have sourced a new supplier for our branded clothing.

Neutral®, our new clothing supplier, uses 100% organic Fairtrade cotton and renewable energy to create high-quality, ethical clothing. Giving a better deal for farmers, workers, the planet and their wearers, Neutral® clothing is manufactured and certified according to the highest social, ethical and environment standards in the world, ensuring that our branded clothing range is made with true regard for both people and planet.

Neutral® came to life after Danish founders Lars Bech and Christina Larsen became dedicated to creating a sustainable clothing line, after seeing that the demand for low prices in the textile industry often comes at a cost to both producers and the environment. By following international sustainability standards throughout their entire supply chain,  Neutral® is built on the highest social, ethical and environmental criteria for clothing production.

Branded University of Bath merch is now on sale at Fresh Express, and for a limited time you can bag a free cotton shopping tote with any Neutral purchase! Prices start at £11.99, and come in a range of colours and sizes.

Posted in: Bars and eateries, Students


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