Emma O'Shea
Emma O'SheaDecember 2, 2021
Prospects job profiles: career inspiration, idea exploration and tailoring your CV!
In my various roles in the Careers Service - and particularly for CV and Application Advice appointments - Prospects job profiles are a key resource I keep coming back to. What are they? Prospects job profiles are summaries of...
Emma O'SheaOctober 18, 2021
Get the most out of Careers Service CV resources and appointments
Every year in October, it's incredibly difficult for students to get a CV and Applications Advice appointment - they fill up as soon as they are released. We do our best by offering back-to-back appointments trying to help as many...
Emma O'SheaJune 9, 2021
Mindfulness techniques for interview sucess
You’ve researched the company, found out what kind of interview questions they will be using and have prepared some competency/strength-based answers with examples from your experience. You may have taken all the practical steps you can, such as testing your...
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Emma O'SheaApril 21, 2020
CVs for master's applications
I’ve seen quite a few students in the last few months applying for master’s courses, where a CV was a required or optional part of the application process. Yet a quick Google search throws up very little in terms of...
Emma O'SheaNovember 28, 2019
Why them? The missing answer on your cover letter, application or personal statement
Why do you want to work for THAT organisation, or study at THAT institution? Specifically. And not just because it’s a ‘leading company in its field’ or a ‘first class institution’. Companies and Universities are expecting a much more well-researched,...
Emma O'SheaOctober 15, 2019
How to create a CV from scratch
For many students this can be a really daunting prospect. But actually, if you need to create a CV from scratch, or your old one needs a complete overhaul, this could put you at an advantage. This is because you...
Emma O'SheaNovember 8, 2018
Tips for students: making the most out of Professional Bodies
You may think Professional Bodies are something you only need to engage with once you’ve graduated. If that’s so, you could be missing out on the real advantages they can offer students. What is a Professional Body? They are societies...
Emma O'SheaOctober 11, 2018
Getting into teaching – key info and resources from the Information Services Team
If you’re thinking about a career in teaching after your course then here is some headline information and key resources to start you off with. Applications for 2019 teacher training courses are now open, so if you’re in your final...