Checklist for final years
Hello all final year students. It is a strange time we are all in, and we in the Career Service hope you are all doing well this first week back. We are here to support you in your final...
Online networking - starting the conversation
Several students have asked me recently about how to start the online networking conversation. You have a great LinkedIn profile or you have registered for Bath Connection, raring to connect with alumni to ask questions about their careers, but you...
Online networking through LinkedIn and Bath Connection
If you aren’t able to go to employer events or networking events, there are still many different ways of networking you can do online, right from your sofa or even from your mobile. In this resource I will give you...
networking for researchers (2): key career networking tips
As part of our series on how doctoral students and research staff can make the most of networking to support their career development, I wanted to share a few key pieces of advice on how to build and make the most...
Networking for researchers (1): a personal story
One of the topics that comes up frequently in my career discussions with researchers is how vital networking is to career development. Networking can help you find out more information about what jobs or sectors you are considering are actually...
Making the most of the Careers Fair as a doctoral student
On Thursday 18th and Friday 19th of October, the Autumn Careers Fair will be held between 11am and 4pm in the Sports Training Village. On the Thursday, we have invited employers from a huge range of sectors, seeking students from...
Event Alert: How to create a Linkedin profile!
Event Alert: How to create a Linkedin profile Many students come to our careers appointments asking about how to create a Linkedin Profile. This brief blog entry will give you some hints and tips on how to start and some...