Is having BNPL on tap beneficial?
The use of digital payments has been growing for many years and this process has accelerated during the Covid pandemic. Most notable has been the growth in buy-now-pay-later (BNPL), particularly for customers who have suffered financial hardship during...
Costing the Earth – costing the capital needed for net-zero transition
Costing the Earth – costing the capital needed for net-zero transition To achieve our net-zero targets we must transition to green energy. However, vast amounts of investment are required to transform our energy sector. Here I explain how important it...
Saving for old age with personal pension schemes – more regulatory oversight is badly needed
Saving for old age with personal pension schemes – more regulatory oversight is badly needed Here I am discussing my latest research into pension regulation, explaining why people with individual personal pensions could retire with as little as half the...
The Macro and Regional Economic Impacts of COVID-19 and Policy Responses
As the UK eases itself out of the COVID-19 lockdown, attention has turned to the economy. Perhaps not surprisingly, UK GDP fell by an unprecedented 20.4% in April alone – now unless there is quick and sustainable recovery, that’s not...
Budget Reflections: a welcome end to Austerity but more to be done.
Prof David Bailey (Birmingham Business School) and Prof Phil Tomlinson (University of Bath School of Management) The Budget marked the point at which the government finally recognised what many economists have been saying for years: with low interest rates, government...
What an intangible world! Companies and governments on the hunt for intangible assets.
They cannot be seen or touched but contribute significantly to the growth of nations and companies. What are they? To most, the answer is not that obvious, reminding us that intangible assets, although increasingly gaining importance, still do not receive...
‘Get Brexit Done’ – It’s only the start of things to come!
On the surface, the UK General Election appears to have resolved the foremost political issue of our times – Brexit. The large Conservative majority in the House of Commons means the Government’s Withdrawal Agreement will quickly pass through Parliament, and...
Making Smart Specialisation work for lagging regions
Over the last decade, Smart Specialisation (S3) has been the mainstay of the European Union’s Innovation programme. The basic idea of S3 is that public funding – usually via EU structural and Investment Funds - is used to support projects...
Did Negative Interest Rate Improve Bank Lending?
Recently, several major European banks have announced plans to pass on negative interest rates to corporations and wealthy individuals. Since 2012 six European economies (Denmark, the Eurozone, Hungary, Norway, Sweden and Switzerland) and Japan have all introduced a Negative Interest Rate Policy...
Industrial Policy is back on the Agenda - and its never been needed more than it is now
Shutterstock/pauljrobinson Phil Tomlinson, University of Bath; Amy Glasmeier, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; David Bailey, University of Birmingham, and Peter Tyler, University of Cambridge Trade tensions – and possible deals – are high on the political agenda in Europe, the United...