FinTech, banks, and stock markets
The modern financial sector plays a huge role in all our lives. A hundred years ago, few would have a bank account for saving, and practically nothing but cash to facilitate daily payments for a bottle of milk or a...
Pensions: why automatic enrolment may not suit the self-employed
Ania Zalewska, University of Bath There are now more than 1.3 billion self-employed people in the world, and that number is rising, especially among millennials. In the US alone, 27m people are expected to leave full-time jobs to become self-employed...
The tobacco industry plays price games to make it even tougher to quit smoking
Cash tray. Shutterstock J. Robert Branston, University of Bath; Anna Gilmore, University of Bath, and Rosemary Hiscock, University of Bath It is thought about two in three smokers want to kick their deadly habit, and with good reason –...
From little acorns, oak trees grow – the importance of public R&D support and its effectiveness in promoting innovation
Chris Dimos (CGR&IS) and Jose Argudo (Innovate UK) At times of tight public budgets, it is necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of public R&D support. Public funds must be spent in a way that creates additional economic benefits, which would...
Divergence in Monetary Policies amid the Trade War
Dr Ru Xie, University of Bath The recent announcement from US president Donald Trump to impose new tariffs of $200bn on Chinese goods has intensified the US - China trade war. Unlike previous tariffs, which are targeted at businesses, the...
CGR&IS at The European Week of Regions and Cities (8th-11th October, 2018)
Last week (8th-11th October, 2018), I attended the European Week of Regions and Cities (EWRC) in Brussels. This is an annual event organised by the European Commission, which celebrates European regions and cities, and brings together national, regional and local...
Why small businesses really do struggle to understand red tape
Rob Branston, Marc Betton and Phil Tomlinson, University of Bath; Regulations are a part of everyday life. They cover everything from the cost and quality of the things we buy, to conditions of employment and the way our homes are...
How to make a 'place-based' industrial strategy work
Phil Tomlinson, University of Bath; Christos Pitelis, Brunel University London, and David Bailey, Aston University Some locations become well known for the kinds of industry that have once thrived there – tin mining in Cornwall, steel in Sheffield, shipbuilding in...