From vision to practice: getting underway with Phases 2 and 3 of Curriculum Transformation

Posted in: Curriculum development, curriculum transformation

The second and third phases of Curriculum Transformation focus directly on supporting the activity of course development teams, alongside other stakeholders, in the design and development of their course proposals.
Following the finalisation of Phase 1 activity, a number of departments have started Phase 2 activity, working towards making their newly refreshed course vision a reality.

Departments are supported in getting underway through a Course Review and Design Workshop. Designed and facilitated by the Centre for Learning & Teaching, this equips teams to move towards tangible course design, identifying the key features that will underpin learning, teaching, and assessment.
Feedback from staff who have been involved thus far has been highly positive about the value of these sessions:

It was an excellent session, really helpful and informative, with space and time to think and discuss tangible outcomes and goals. We really appreciated the time to think creatively about our students’ learning’ (Course Development Team lead in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences). 

Staff from the Curriculum Development Office work closely with departments to ensure that workshop content is aligned to the specific needs of each course. Again, staff feedback has remarked on the importance of this to their development activity:

The Curriculum Development team from the CLT facilitated in a way that allowed us to develop a common understanding of the graduate attributes and key course concepts that all of our students should acquire by the end of their course (Course Development Team lead in the Faculty of Science). 

Emphasising the importance of the course-wide approach that shapes Phase 2 activity, the academic lead for a suite of postgraduate courses in the School of Management reflected that:

The workshops have enabled us to think collectively about the overall course design and how this may impact on unit delivery, so that we can deliver a more cohesive learning experience. 

After the workshop a series of next steps are agreed, and course teams continue to receive support from the Centre for Learning and Teaching.

Since the workshop, I have had very positive and fruitful conversations with colleagues who enjoyed the session and who feel further inspired to work together to create a course that really will be transformed for the better. It is great to have so many people on board, working towards a common goal’ (Course Development Team lead in the Faculty of Science).

The Curriculum Development Office are looking forward to facilitating more workshops across the coming weeks and months.

For further information on Phase 2 and 3 activity, including the Course Review and Design Workshops, please speak to one of our team or contact us at

Posted in: Curriculum development, curriculum transformation


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