Course review and design: how can the University’s Professional Services help? 

Posted in: Curriculum development, curriculum transformation

As part of the Curriculum Transformation initiative, course teams across all departments are engaged in key phases of review and design activity as they work towards making their newly refreshed course visions a reality.

The Curriculum Transformation Resource Hub pages provide a range of helpful advice and guidance from various Professional Services across the University, including:

The value of Professional Service advice has already been recognised by staff participating in the Course Review and Design Workshops that have taken place across each of the Faculties and the School:

"It was hugely valuable to have Professional Services staff in the room too, as this ensured that our perspectives were challenged by those external to the department, adding to the richness and productivity of our discussions. (Undergraduate Course Development Team Lead, Faculty of Science)."

We encourage you to view the range of expert support and guidance available within the Hub, and hope it provides a useful resource to you when engaging in the curriculum redesign process.

You can find full information about course design considerations from our Phase 2 and 3 Resource Hub page.

Posted in: Curriculum development, curriculum transformation


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