Over the past few months students from the CSCT have been collaborating with a group of final year graphic communication students from Bath Spa University to create an exciting new science exhibit.
The aim of the project is to communicate the important role chemical technologies can play in achieving a sustainable future and highlight some important issues that the general public may be unaware of. The exhibit will focus on four main themes around the areas of “Attitudes to chemicals”, “Fuels for the future”, “Element scarcity” and “Bio plastics”.
Using the expertise of the Bath Spa students, it has been possible to design an aesthetically appealing platform for science communication based around the setting of an “Actual Genius bar” (a play on Apple’s genius bar idea). This project aims to take the idea of a science café one step further by actually setting up the exhibit within one of the many cafes around Bath. The event will include a “Breaking Bad” style coffee making apparatus using labware and liquid nitrogen ice-cream.
As well as designing the setting for this activity, the Bath Spa students have come up with innovative stencil designs which will be used to allow students from the CSCT to communicate science to the public with the help of little more than a blackboard and a piece of chalk. They have also designed some attractive flyers for the public to take away, which contain interesting facts and information about the research taking place at the CSCT.
Designs are currently being finalised and the finished products will be produced over Easter. We can therefore expect this unique science communication experience to be showcased at a café in Bath later this year.