team bath drones
3D Printing life-saving technology: A GKN Aerospace collaboration with Team Bath Drones
Author : James Parry - As one of the Group Business & Design Projects from 3rd year Aerospace Engineering, 15 students were selected to become members of Team Bath Drones, the student led Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) research and development...
The Design Exhibition
Author: Sam Hyams - The Design Exhibition is the culmination of a year’s work for 3rd year and final year students, with group project and individual final year projects on display for fellow students and guests alike. For Team Bath...
Team Bath Drones: Achieving success in Europe with Accu
Authors: Sam Hyams, Arron Dunne, Michael Morris - Team Bath Drones is a multidisciplinary group of undergraduate students from the Aerospace, Mechanical, and Integrated Mechanical & Electrical Engineering (IMEE) degree programmes at Bath and we compete annually at a number...
Winning the IMechE UAS Challenge with Team Bath Drones
Author: Hemant Chudasama - Over the past year, 8 Aerospace and 4 Integrated Mechanical and Electrical Engineering final year MEng students, have been working together as Team Bath Drones to design an autonomous drone for the annual global IMechE Unmanned...