Ending 2023

Posted in: History ETA

So we're coming towards the end of 2023, and we've been reflecting on our first couple of months of being open.
We've had 9 weeks of operation in 2023 - and nearly 200 visitors in that time. Considering we only open 3 lunchtimes a week - we think it's rather positive!

There will be more changes to come in the new year - and a few surprises we're working on.

Anyway - to take stock..... There are several hundered items now on display.

We've recently constructed a 'dawn of internet age' office setup which shows the typical technology things someone could see at work or a home office from mid to late 1990s - complete with information displays about what the press thought of this coming 'internet' technology. The setup contains a number of playable games, and the searchable Encarta encyclopedia.


Our older domestic computer section contains a BBC Micro B, an Acorn Electron, a ZX Spectrum and an Atari 1040 ST


We've also been trying out some of the software with some of the older equipment, and we were particularly happy to be able to play Jet Set Willy again.


We've also been quite keen to make sure we keep older programming books and manuals, and associated information to make sure we have a reference section for visitors.
9 Weeks has turned into one entire shelf unit of books!


And the final development has been the 'gaming corner' where we have a number of games consoles and games for visitors to try play with!

We think there's been great progress in 9 weeks!

Posted in: History ETA


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