An equal world is an enabled world” #IWD2020 #EachforEqual

#EachforEqual is about 'Collective Individualism' and to mark International Women’s Day in the Faculty of Science we are highlighting the achievements of some of our staff and students.

National Teaching Fellow - Dr Jane White a senior lecturer in the Department of Mathematical Sciences and Head of the Natural Sciences programme became a National Teaching Fellow.

VC's Research Day 2020 - Dr Patricia Shady,a lecturer in the Department of Physics and Dr Emma Denham, a senior lecturer in the Department of Biology and Biochemistry had the opportunity to showcase their work.

Vice-Chancellor's Engage Awards - Dr Frances Laughton, Director of Teaching in the Department of Physics, received a special recognition award.

Alumni artist - read about Nina Chhita, who graduated with an MSC in Developmental Biology. Nina uses illustrations to publicise the work of women in STEM.

Research Associate Dr Sarah Madden details her research developing new cancer medicines. She also talks about her work carrying out science communication activities for groups that are underrepresented in science.

Sustainability - Professor Janet Scott, from the Department of Chemistry, and Professor Davide Matttia have been developing technology to create cellulose microbeads, a biodegradable alternative to microplastics in cosmetics and toiletries.

Student news

To celebrate International Women’s Day the Network of Women in Physics, Women in Maths, Women in Science and Women in Technology are hosting a quiz on March the 5th in 4 West 1.2@18:00.

International Women’s Day, Microsoft Hackathon- taking place on on March 12th from 13:00-17:00, in the Weston Studio in the Edge. Sign up here.

Finally, good luck to our students attending the BCSWomen Lovelace Colloquium on Wednesday 8 April at the University of Stirling.


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