International Strategy

  • Bath International Funding Schemes - an update!

    International Research Accelerator Scheme The deadline for the extraordinary call for the International Research Accelerator Scheme is fast approaching - Wednesday 25 May! The ‘International Research Accelerator Scheme’ supports larger scale research activity with University Strategic Partners, such as the...

  • Major funding opportunity to deepen strategic international research partnerships

    International Research Accelerator Scheme – extraordinary funding call now open Deadline: 5pm, Wednesday 25 May 2016 We are delighted to announce an extraordinary call for applications to the University’s 2015-16 International Research Funding Schemes. The ‘International Research Accelerator Scheme’ supports...

  • International Relations Office wiki pages

    We have recently created the International Relations Office wiki pages for everything related to the International Strategy. We are using the wiki to share information with staff whilst our International Relations Office website is being developed. Here you can find...

  • Latest news & updates

    I am very delighted to write the first post. First of all, here are some recent developments the University has achieved internationally. We’ll be discussing some of them in the future posts. The University’s new International Strategy was adopted by...