Hello all! A very happy new year from the Research Marketing Team - we hope you had a lovely Christmas break.
We're gearing up to a busy few weeks, with a number of great projects on the go. To start with we're carrying out our biannual review of research marketing activity for University Research Committee, looking at central activities and those being carried out by teams across the university.
Then on the 28th January we have the faculty level heats of Three Minute Thesis - a PhD level competition which asks entrants to present their thesis in just three minutes to a non-specialist audience.
On the 3 February the University's second Research Rocket event is due to take place, and we're just finalising speakers and getting everything ready for that. We're having fewer speakers this time, with a little for time allowed for each, and are focusing on projects that are likely to be taken forward as REF case studies in 2020.
Finally (although there is plenty more going on...!) talking about REF2020, we're really busy in the final stages of sorting through spreadsheets of projects that have been put together by Associate Deans for Research. We're working with the impact team in RIS and a number of other support services to assess where our work could benefit projects on the spreadsheets, and how we can help them achieve more impact. We'll be working on these projects really closely over the next four or so years, so this is the start of a fairly long-term piece of work and one we're pretty excited about.
So - there will be a lot more coming from us soon, but happy New Year to you all and we wish you an exciting and productive 2016!