In conjunction with the e-Learning team, Learning & Teaching Enhancement Office (LTEO), we are pleased to announce four new events in our LITEbox spaces.
This series will include workshops and seminars across a variety of disciplines, from enhancing Moodle courses and inspiring innovation to digital assessment tools and techniques. Harnessing the expertise and specialisms within the institution, workshops will be facilitated by the e-Learning team whilst also drawing on the skills and expertise of academics and practitioners at the forefront of e-Learning technology.
Below are descriptions or each event, also available from e-Learning.
For more information or to reserve a space, please email Dan White, e-Learning Administrator.
Online summative assessments and exams
Date: Tuesday 20 October 2015
Time: 2.00pm - 3.00pm
Venue: 8W 1.28
The first seminar from our ‘Inspiring Innovation’ series will focus on the use of online quizzes for summative assessment. Our speakers will provide examples of current practice from two academic departments, discuss their innovative approaches, the impact of their innovation and the implications for others wishing to implement similar initiatives. This one hour seminar would be of interest to anyone engaged in large cohort teaching, those using multiple choice questions in their end of unit exams, those wishing to explore automated marking and anyone who would like to increase and automate feedback to students.
Enhancing your Moodle course for teaching and assessment
Date: Friday 23 October 2015
Time: 2.00pm - 3.00pm
Venue: 8W 1.28
Within this 90 minute hands-on workshop, you will explore a range of advanced features within Moodle to extend your knowledge and application of existing functionality. From presenting ideas to encourage innovation in your teaching practices (including ‘flipping’, designing for interaction, adding multimedia) to learning how to personalise Moodle courses for individual learners, the facilitators will lead you on a journey which will encourage you to re-think how you work with Moodle. This highly engaging and interactive session will be of interest to anyone wishing to explore the potential of online learning and those wishing to take advantage of more advanced tools to develop existing Moodle courses.
Using Quizzes for formative and summative assessment
Date: Wednesday 4 November 2015
Time: 12.30pm - 2.00pm
Venue: CB 5.13
This 90 minute training workshop will cover the basics of using Moodle’s inbuilt quiz editor, which enables you to create online assessments to complement and enhance the student learning experience. Using online quizzes can be a way of offering a variety of assessment types (diagnostic, formative, summative) and this hands-on workshop will guide you through developing your first quizzes and provide guidance on how you can get the most out of the quiz tool.
Facilitating virtual group work, online student presentations and remote delivery of lectures using web-conferencing
Date: Thursday 12 November 2015
Time: 12.30pm - 2.00pm
Venue: 8W 1.28
This ‘Inspiring Innovation’ seminar will focus on academic teaching practices which use web-conferencing to provide innovative methods of engaging with students, in ways which overcome physical space constraints and temporal barriers. Many teaching and learning activities, which traditionally take place on campus, can now be moved to an online environment, through the use of web-conferencing tools, offering significant benefits to both staff and students. This 90 minute seminar be of interest to those wishing to explore flexible teaching practices to support large cohort teaching, group work and/or students at a distance.
For more information or to reserve a space, please email Dan White, e-Learning Administrator.