MCQs and Deep Learning Workshop: A Possible Fix?

Posted in: Linked Event, LITEbox Event

Since the rise of MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) as forms of assessment, the pros and cons of utilising this tool have been discussed in regards to effective student learning. The LITEbox team is delighted to be hosting a workshop, with two of the UK's leading figures in the field of assessment through MCQs, on Tuesday 9 May 2017 starting at 1.45 pm until 4.00 pm in 3 East 2.1.

Register here for this workshop

It is widely agreed that MCQs reduce marking time, making it an ideal strategy for large cohorts of students, however the potential superficial manner of learning combined with time investment to populate the questionnaires, can make this effort seem less worthwhile.

Prof Anthony Gardner-Medwin (University College London, Physiology) and Dr Steve Draper (University of Glasgow, Psychology), two of the leading figures in the field of assessment through MCQs in the UK, will join us to discuss what features make a multiple choice quiz effective, and if there are particular ways of designing MCQs to test/enhance deeper learning, without compromising the students’ experience. In particular, Prof Gardner-Medwin’s talk will focus on the advantages of MCQs with Certainty-Based Marking, predominantly in relation to summative assessment; while Dr Draper’s talk will focus on the advantages of Peer-Wise (student-authoring) MCQs, in relation to formative assessment and deep learning.

This workshop is being run as part of the LITEbox initiative and arises from a project funded by the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Teaching Development Fund. This project is exploring the wider role that new and existing technologies can play in supporting teaching and learning techniques in the classroom that enable students to engage with the public and other communities.

The details of the event are as follows:

Date: Tuesday 9 May 2017
Time: 13:45 – 16:00 (including refreshments on arrival and a 30 minute Q&A session)
Location: 3 East 2.1

Sign up for the workshop
Find out more about the event (PDF)

Posted in: Linked Event, LITEbox Event


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