LITEbox Event: Using online multimedia message walls to encourage participation

Posted in: LITEbox Event

This event has now ended, please view a write up with a comparison and instructions on embedding these walls into Moodle

Online forums offer a way of enhancing student engagement by exchanging ideas and questions. Yet, the problems associated with encouraging and supporting student participation remain. This interactive LITEbox workshop seeks to explore:

  1. Whether new, freely available online multimedia message walls such as Linoit and Padlet address any of the perceived short comings of forums
  2. How new, freely available online multimedia message walls such as Linoit and Padlet can offer alternative ways of collating students' thoughts, ideas and questions to stimulate learning and feedback.

Before the workshop we invite you to watch this short video of staff reflecting on their utilisation of Linoit and Padlet and share your experiences, insights, concerns or queries on our specially designed multimedia walls where we will discuss the key issues as part of the workshop on the boards:

We will also use the workshop to develop a community of practice whereby participants share their ideas and work together to design learning activities that embed online multimedia message walls in order to overcome identified pedagogic problems and/or ensure students' learning needs are met.

Dr Jessica Francombe-Webb will convene this workshop. Jess is a Lecturer in sport and physical culture whose research draws from the discipline of feminist physical cultural studies, to explore the contested politics of the (in)active body in relation to health, body size, appearance, gender, social class, race, (dis)ability across the lifespan. She is keen to explore and innovate with new and existing technologies in her teaching, even if they aren't a guaranteed success.

LinoIt board being used for this session
LinoIt board being used for this session

Posted in: LITEbox Event


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