Staff involved
Asun Solano Torres, Academic Skills & Foreign Language Centre
What problem did you hope to solve?
I hoped to improve feedback to students by providing very detailed feedback which would not have been possible in a written format.
What was done and what technology was used?
Each piece of audio was recorded as a .wav file. An assignment was set up in the course’s Moodle unit to deliver the feedback. Each student was given a mark, a comment was added ‘please download file’ and each student’s .wav audio file was uploaded as a response file within the grading page. Audio Visual can be contacted to lend out voice recorders if needed.
How did students find it?
Students enjoyed the personal aspect of it and appreciated the efforts made and stated that seeing the work that went into providing such feedback motivated them to put more effort into their work, although I didn't feel it engaged them with the learning. I did feed that students particularly benefited from audio feedback on their listening assignment as it was possible to re-state in the target language any elements that had caused difficulties.
How did staff find it?
I planned to do generic audio feedback, rather than individual, since it would have been more manageable within my workload. However, I haven't done it again because of time pressures.
If you would like to provide audio feedback but are unsure how, please contact e-learning. You can also view advice on audio feedback by JISC Digital Media.