LITEbox event: Making the most of student authored online presentations

Posted in: LITEbox Event

Date: Thursday 21st April 2016
Time: 1.15pm - 2.05pm
Venue: 8W 2.34

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Student presentations provide excellent learning opportunities for helping synthesise course concepts and succinctly communicating ideas to an audience. Online presentations expand these learning opportunities by offering the potential to reach new audiences, gain richer feedback as well as freeing up seminar time for more in depth face to face activities. This workshop explores different ways in which student generated online presentations can be used to enhance teaching and learning in different contexts.

During the workshop, participants will have the opportunity to experiment with using Voicethread and work together to design learning activities pertinent to their students’ needs that embed an online presentations in order to collectively appraise and establish contexts of use for student authored online presentations.

The workshop will be facilitated by the following staff:

  • Dr Felia Allum, Lecturer, Dept of Politics, Languages & International Studies, has been using student authored online presentations as a precursor to highly interactive and engaging undergraduate and postgraduate seminars. She has recently successfully completed a teaching development funded project designing and implementing role-play games to stimulate deep learning.
  • Dr Rita Chawla-Duggan, Lecturer, Department of Education, is interested in using rich media (images, film and audio podcasts) in her teaching. She encourages undergraduate students to create and share online presentations that document a mini placement experience. In this way students learn from each other about a wide variety of school settings.
  • Geraldine Jones, e-learning development officer, H&SS, supports staff in H&SS in developing technology enabled learning activities that are tailored to specific learning and teaching needs. She has worked closely with academic staff in the faculty on several successful teaching development projects.

Posted in: LITEbox Event


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