Reflecting on my role as LITEbox officer

Posted in: LITEbox Development

For more than a year I have been working with a team of others to help develop LITEbox alongside my studies, but unfortunately, due to graduating, I am moving on somewhere else.

This role has allowed me to meet and talk to staff from all around campus and to see the University in a way which a normal student does not. I didn't realise that there was so much support available for learning and teaching behind the scenes, nor how much effort teaching staff put in outside of lecture times. One thing I've come to appreciate is how hard everyone at the University works to help improve the education of students!

LITEbox has been developing a community of practice which is continually growing, and this has been great to see. I've recently been hearing from staff members about how they are now using technology in their teaching which they had initially heard about through LITEbox, which really shows the impact that this project is having and that not only is the project interesting but it is affecting how students are being taught.

It has been great working alongside the core team of Rob Hyde, Emma Rich, Jessica Francombe-Webb and Sarah Turpin, who have a great passion for this project, as well as the wider project team and staff members who are very keen to share their stories and successes of using technology for learning and teaching.

My role within the LITEbox project has been to seek out uses of technology around campus and promote these, either through events or through online case studies, so that staff can learn from what others around campus are doing. The events always include such a vibrant discussion session at the end which gives staff, from any faculty or department, the opportunity to explore new technologies in a way which would not be possible without this project.

The blog, which offers an online presence of the project, has had over 12,000 views in the last year. The 20 events, which allow the physical sharing of knowledge and ideas, have had over 500 attendees. One of our recent events on the issue of Copyright for teaching had over 60 attendees with two external presenters. To me this just shows how much of a success this project has become.

My personal favourite event was the 5x5 technology showcase back in February which was very well attended, and despite some last minute hiccups, ran very successfully and received lots of positive feedback. Due to the success and feedback another similar event will be run in September this year; it is a shame I won't be here to attend!

With technology constantly developing and being able to improve all areas of people’s lives, I really do hope LITEbox continues to grow, allowing both staff and students to benefit from the sharing and developing of each other’s ideas.

Not only have I been able to develop my writing and communication skills to such a great extent while working on this project, but my interpersonal skills have definitely improved through speaking with a variety of staff members from around the University. I really do feel lucky to have been offered the opportunity to work on a project which both excited me and allowed me to develop myself so much. I can only hope that my future will allow me to work on such interesting projects with people as passionate about their jobs as I those I have met through this role.

Posted in: LITEbox Development


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