BoB TV and Radio Workshop - Reflection

Posted in: Event Review


On Thursday 11th May, Alex Morris from Learning on Screen visited the University to give a presentation on the capabilities of BoB, Learning on Screen’s Television and Radio Archive.


The session began with Alex giving a background on the development of “Learning on Screen”, the company behind BoB, and discussed the role they play in facilitating teaching across a host of UK Universities. The session then moved onto the capabilities of the BoB service, with BoB providing the ability to record television content from 65 channels at the click of a button, including a large selection of Freeview and foreign language channels to choose from. These can be selected from an archive of past BBC and selected programmes, or up to 31 days in advance of their air date. The ability to access old television and radio is not only useful for personal information purposes, and the utilisation of these recordings in teaching and learning can be innovative and compelling.

Alex then ran through the process of clip creation, allowing the condensing of key programme content into short clips and allowing the incorporation of these into teaching slides. Clips can be made from a variety of programme types including documentaries and news reports, and with copyright protection through the University, providing these clips have been created through BoB, they are useable with Re:View (Panopto) lecture recording software.

The session finished by considering some of the other key capabilities of the BoB system, including the ability to search the archive via keyword, transcript content, date and channel, as well as the formulation of academic citation for both entire programmes and clips for referencing in papers and assignments, in turn aiding the confusion surrounding media referencing.


Creating a BoB profile:

To sign up for BoB, a profile needs to be created, and verification made through your University email address. Once this has been done, the access is automated through your Single Sign On, therefore accessible with ease when at the University. You will then have full access to the BoB service, and this is available through the following link -

Further Help and Support:

For further help and support with using the BoB system, or other possibilities Learning on Screen have to offer, Alex suggested you can contact him directly on: or 020 7393 1515 and he will assist you however possible.

Alternatively, for internal queries, contact the Audio-Visual team on:


Posted in: Event Review


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  • How was this advertised? I read the CELT newsletters and keep an eye on Litebox Events but missed this. Is there somewhere else I should be looking?

    • Hi Deborah, we advertised the session prior to the event on the blog and via our Twitter page (, and it was also highlighted on the University homepage. You can sign up to to get blog updates sent to your email account, which will highlight any future events we organise. You can do this by going to our blog homepage ( and entering your email address on the right hand side, above the "Subscribe to LITEbox blog updates" button. Hope this helps.