Milner Centre for Evolution
Researchers and students blog about their activities in this unique cross-faculty research centre bridging biology, health and education.
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Darwin Day 2018
Yesterday, a fascinating lecture was given at the Bath Royal Literary and Scientific Institution (BRLSI) by Prof Mark Pagel FRS entitled: ‘The Evolution of Language – Darwin would approve’. Prof Pagel contrasted animal communication with human language and how speech...
Why we care about emerging the fungal disease Candida auris
Candida auris is a fungal disease that is emerging around the world and in the UK. It was only discovered and described in 2009, but since then it has been found in at least 15 countries, including 20 NHS trusts and 35 hospitals...
Bird supermoms
by Tamás Székely Motherhood is full of challenges. Mums need to look after not only themselves but also their offspring: mothers make sure the young have good food, healthy and develop well, and they need to shelter the young...
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Full house Darwin Day Lecture
This year's Darwin day lecture was delivered by Professor Nick Davies FRS (Cambridge University). In his talk, entitled ‘Cuckoo – cheating by nature’, Prof Davies described one of nature’s most intriguing stories to a packed lecture theatre at the Bath...
Darwin’s 208th birthday was celebrated with a children’s workshop on Evolution at BRLSI
Yesterday was the 208th anniversary of Charles Darwin’s birthday, and what better way to celebrate it, than to children learn about natural selection, sing happy birthday to Darwin and eat some delicious cake? The Bath Royal Literary and Scientific Institution...
Chasing (bird) chicks on a tropical island: all in a day’s work for a bird biologist
Third year BSc Biology & Biochemistry students, Romy Rice and Noemie Engel, write about their experiences on placement from September to December 2016 working for the Maio Biodiversity Foundation in the Cape Verde islands.
Waterscapes - Get involved!
Does your research look to understand water and its role in the environment and health? Then Waterscapes is the project for you! Whether you're investigating water-related issues from a physical or social sciences perspective, Waterscapes will provide you with...
Studying the Atlantic cod microbiome in Oslo
As announced last year, the University of Bath has founded The Milner Centre for Evolution, after receiving a generous £5 million donation from Bath alumnus Dr Jonathon Milner. The centre is partnered with the University of Oslo's Centre for Ecological...