Welcome to the ninth monthly update aimed at keeping you up to speed on the new Milner Centre for Evolution Project. Site managers Tomasz Magiera and Firhan Rudorf-Saeed are on site throughout the working day and should be the first point of contact for any issues. The builders are continuing to hold weekly meetings with the users of Building 4SA, and attend the monthly University Contractor’s meeting with a view to keeping staff and students informed of our works and to give notice of any potential disruption.
Road conditions are continuously monitored with a road sweeper being utilised as and when required.
The roof has now also been covered in a concrete structural topping in order to allow following trades to progress. Roof-lights have been installed, and the works to install the roof and make the building substantially water tight have commenced this month.
The internal walls have started to go up on the ground floor, along with containment baskets for all of the cables and ventilation ductwork within the building. The metal framework for the walls on the 1st floor have also progressed, with a view to them being boarded this month.
Externally, the building is taking shape – there is brickwork being installed all around the perimeter at low level, and a number of windows have been installed on the South elevation. The site has also taken delivery of the grey Kingspan cladding panels that make up some of the external façade of the building with a view to install these from the middle of this month.
As reported in last month’s update, there still remains an element of works which requires excavating in part of Car Park B just outside of the site hoarding – this is initially to investigate a possible position for the location of an attenuation tank necessary to accommodate the storm water from the completed Milner Building. At present, this works has not been planned, and the team will endeavour to give the University adequate warning as to when the works will be carried out.
As always, we appreciate your patience and understanding whilst the construction phase is ongoing.
Current site